Ilenia Gheno is Research Project Manager at AGE Platform Europe, International NGO advocating for older people, and representing directly more than 40 million seniors in the EU28. She holds a Master in European Policies and has worked as Project Manager and Coordinator for European Consultancies, Public Authorities, European Non-Governmental Bodies and Non-for-Profit Associations for more than 10 years. She has been responsible for the management of project activities, reporting and financial duties for more than 50 different European projects under FP7, CIP PSP, IEE, LLL, H2020, COSME; she coordinates inputs on project proposals, especially in the field of social policies, health and tele-medicine, transport, accessibility, senior tourism and ethics; she is responsible of team management (capacity building, quality control, efficacy and time efficient, internal communication, team valorisation) and works on user engagement strategies and implementation, especially addressed to older vulnerable persons. Since 2013 she has been appointed as independent reviewer at the European Commission on FP7 and COSME programmes.
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