
Tanguy Struye de Swielande holds a Master in International Relations from the Catholic University of Louvain, where he also obtained his PhD in Political Sciences in 2003. He is specialised in geopolitics, geostrategic and geo-economics of great powers, and focusing on new security questions (asymmetry, privatisation of security). After having worked as an independent consultant from 2005 to 2006, in 2007 he joined The Egmont Institute as Research Fellow in the Security & Global Governance Department – a think tank associated to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2006 he is a professor at the University of Mons and at the Royal Military Academy, where he teaches geopolitics. In 2008 he became the coordinator of the InBev Baillet-Latour Chair programme EU-China at the Catholic University of Louvain where he teaches one course on China and World politics and another one on Geopolitics of the European Union and the Great Powers.

Sede Principale: Avenue Henri Jaspar 113  - 1060 Bruxelles

Conference Room: Rue de la loi 26 - 1000 Bruxelles
9.00 - 17.30
TEL: 0032 2 230 27 30
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